The Muskingum County Community Foundation distributes grants to local organizations that enhance the quality of life in Muskingum County through an annual grant competition. Nonprofit organizations with a vision for the future of our community are encouraged to participate. Applicants must be organizations that serve Muskingum County. Neighborhood groups, arts groups, social services, educational institutions, economic development committees and youth groups are examples of those who may apply.
The Distribution Committee of the Community Foundation reviews the applications and recommends grant awards. The current members of the Distribution Committee are . . .
Chair and MCCF Trustee: Susan Holdren
MCCF Trustees: Megan Durst, Jeannie McGlade, and Maryjane Shackelford
Community Representatives: Matthew Elli, Susan Thompson, Eileen Adams, and Karla Frye
The Muskingum County Community Foundation expects to offer a Spring Grant Competition in 2025 for nonprofits and community projects.
Muskingum County Community Foundation (MCCF) distributes grants through competitions to organizations that enhance the quality of life in Muskingum County. Nonprofit organizations with a vision for the future of their community are encouraged to participate.
The spring grant distribution comes from funds raised from MCCF’s Groundhog Event. The spring grant competition is open to non-profits in Muskingum County and is intended for program or project funding.
MCCF Spring Grant Competition is open to all Muskingum County Nonprofit organizations. They are looking for projects and programs that address the community needs and may impact one of MCCF’s Cornerstone focus areas (Economic Vitality, Arts and Culture, Education, and Wellness and Recreation). While a program or project may directly impact one or more Cornerstone, it is not required. If an organization has received an award in three consecutive years the applicant may not apply for the next two years.
Application Opens
February 2025
Application Deadline
To Be Determined
The Muskingum County Community Foundation is now accepting applications for its fourth Annual Fall Grant Competition for nonprofits and community projects.
Muskingum County Community Foundation (MCCF) distributes grants through competitions to organizations that enhance the quality of life in Muskingum County. Nonprofit organizations with a vision for the future of their community are encouraged to participate.
The fall grant distribution comes from funds raised from MCCF’s fundraising activities.
Funding Information
The total grant pool for Fall 2024 is $50,000. Only five grant awards of up to $10,000 each will be given in this round of funding.
The fall grant competition is open to non-profits in Muskingum County and is intended for capital improvement projects only. Projects such as roof repair, wheelchair entrance, computer hardware, and other physical improvements or equipment will be accepted. Program funding will be available in the spring grant competition. Currently, the Muskingum County Community Foundation does not fund operational costs such as salaries and benefits. If an organization has received an award in three consecutive years the applicant may not apply for the following year.
Application Opens
September 3, 2024
Application Deadline
The deadline to apply is Monday, October 7 at 5 p.m..
Previous Spring Grant Winners
2024 Grant Winners
- The Carr Center
$2,287.24 for classes
- Grace United Methodist Church
$5,000.00 for the Grace Community Cupboard
- Muskingum County History
$3,000.00 for a community event
- Zanesville Memorial Concert Band
$5,000.00 for the 2024 season
- Animal Shelter Society, Inc.
$5,000.00 for CATAPALOOZA 2024
- ForeverDads
$5,000.00 for Finding Fathers for Success
- Ronald Mcdonald House Charities Of Central Ohio Inc
$2,500.00 for Helping Hands – Muskingum County
- Art Coz Inc
$5,000.00 for the Y-Bridge Arts Festival 2024
- Muskingum County Agricultural Society
$3,000.00 for the Firefighter Show
- Adamsville Boy Scout Troop 122, C/O Hubbard Lodge #220 (sponsoring organization)
$5,000.00 for Eagle Scout projects
- The iBELIEVE Foundation
$2,500.00 for the 2024 Youth Leadership Workshop
- Zanesville Concert Association
$5,000.00 for the 85th ZCA Celebration Season
- Muskingum Valley Council, Boy Scouts of America
$5,000.00 for Musk Co. Cub Scout Day Camp
- Tri-Valley Band Boosters Association Inc
$5,000.00 for Summer Band Camp
- Zane's Trace Commemoration
$2,000.00 for Wagons Ho! Zane’s Trace Commemoration 2024
- Dresden Community Association, Inc.
$2,500.00 for the Main Street Visual Appeal Project
- Kiwanis Club Of Zanesville
$5,000.00 for Wheelchair Ramps
- Muskingum Valley Garden Society
$2,500.00 for the Beautification Project
2023 Grant Winners
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Zanesville
$4,686 for the Youth Program Initiative
- Eastside Community Ministry, Inc.
$5,000 for the Summer Youth Program
- Habitat for Humanity of Southeast Ohio
$5,000 for the Luck St. Revitalization Project
- Maysville Adventure Club - Maysville High School
$5,000 for Program Funding
- Muskingum Behavioral Health
$5,000 for PROJECT: HALO (preschool)
- Muskingum County Fair/Agricultural Society
$3,000 for The Firefighter Show
- Muskingum Soil and Water Conservation District
$5,000 for the Brighton Grows Youth Garden
- Muskingum Valley Council, Boy Scouts of America
$4,520 for the Cub Scout Day Camp
- Muskingum Valley Garden Society
$5,000 for the Beautification Project
- NCAARD (New Concord Area Arts and Recreation District)
$2,500 for Free Access to Programs
- New Concord Fire Department
$1,463 for Firefighter Thermal replacement
- Ohio's Hospice of Central Ohio
$1,500 for Camp HOCO at Home
- Roseville Elementary Players (After School Musical)
$1,000 for the After School Musical
- Shrivers Hospice Foundation
$5,000 for the Someday Is Today Program
- The Abbot Home, DBA Abbot Senior Living
$1,265 for the Home theater
- Tri Valley Youth Baseball League Inc.
$2,000 for the Facility Improvement Project
- Zane's Trace Commemoration
$5,000 for the Zane Trace Coimmemoration
- Zanesville Appalachian Art Project
$1,000 for the Foot by Foot art auction
- Zanesville Memorial Concert Band
$5,000 for the Summer concert series
- Zanesville Parkinson's Group-All Shook Up
$2,000 for Parkinson's Awareness and Education
2022 Grant Winners
- 4-H Camp Ohio
$4,100 to update high ropes course and add a drone class to STEM program.
- Bethel Mission Inc.
$4,100 to enrich the life of each student attending Summmer programming.
- Dresden Community Association
$4,100 to build a new website to promote shopping and tourism.
- Eastside Community Ministry, Inc.
$5,000 to empower our youth to rise above their circumstances and understand their importance in our community.
- Habitat for Humanity of Southeast Ohio
$5,000 for the construction of a home for a family in need and recruitment of additional students to the Trades Programs.
- Mid-East Career and Technology Centers - Career and Academic Readiness Education
$3,400 to replace the classroom computers, allowing us to update and expand learning opportunities to offer flexible instruction that supports student learning and success.
- Muskingum County Center for Seniors
$4,100 to improve how MCCFS's information is shared with the community and increase opportunities for 60+ to engage in activities and services.
- Muskingum County Literacy Council
$5,000 to deliver age-appropriate books via US mail to preschoolers each month in an effort to better prepare them for kindergarten and beyond.
- Muskingum Soil and Water Conservation District
$2,867 to expand the veteran's site at Brighton Grows to allow more accessibility and providing educational programming for community members.
- OSU Extension Muskingum County (An office of The Ohio State University, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences)
$2,870 to support educational opportunities for youth in Muskingum County and give teachers resources to be successful with their students and to promote science and research-based learning in accordance with the Land Grant mission of Ohio State Univerisity.
- PAWS of Muskingum County
$3,280 to establish a smaller, healthier community and companion animal population.
- Shrivers Hospice Foundation
$5,000 to create meaningful experiences for Shrivers Hospice Patients.
- The Animal Shelter Society, Inc.
$4,100 to provide preventative services to our community to reduce the overpopulation of felines.
- The Carr Center, Inc.
$3,450 to repair the parking lot and paint Safety Town square on a portion of it where we will conduct Safety Town for 120 children.
- Transitions, Inc.
$4,100 to maintain support staff to assist survivors in the courts and our shelter.
- Westerville Rowing in partnership with Zanesville-Muskingum County Convention and Visitors Bureau
$4,100 for a dock to launch the competitor boats/rowing shells for the Mid-West Summer Sprint Championship at Dillon State Park.
- Zane's Trace Commemoration
$5,000 to create an annual event that will draw community members into celebrating the history of Zanesville.
2021 Grant Winners
- Abbot Senior Living
$780 for the dryer conversion project.
- Adamsville Boy Scout Troop #122
$3,035 for the Five Eagle Scout Projects for Troop #122.
- Animal Shelter Society, Inc.
$1,600 for the Catapalooza Spay/Neuter Clinic.
- Bethel Community Center
$3,750 for the 2021 Summer Program.
- Chandlersville Community Building
$1,450 for new gutters.
- Dresden Elementary PTO
$1,960 for the Walking Trail project.
- Eastside Community Ministry
$5,000 for the Summer Youth Program.
- FoodWorks Alliance, LLC
$5,000 for the 60 Gallon Steam Kettle Purchase.
- Franklin Local Youth Baseball
$3,764 for the Revitalization of Bergin Field.
- Friends of Putnam
$1,700 for Putnam Beautification and Revitalization.
- Genesis Hospital
$1,200 for the Forced Exercise and Parkinson's Disease project.
- Habitat for Humanity of Southeast Ohio
$5,000 for the Mid-East Career Center Habitat Program.
- Muskingum County Agricultural Society
$1,500 for 175 Years of the Muskingum Co Fair.
- Muskingum County Child Advocacy Center
$1,800 for office operational needs.
- Muskingum County Library System
$1,300 for the Automated External Defibrillator Readiness project.
- Muskingum County Literacy Council
$5,000 for Imagination Library Muskingum.
- National Road Elementary (ZCS)
$3,750 for a playground update.
- New Concord Area Arts & Recreation District
$1,650 for It Takes a Village.
- Ohio Grange Charitable Foundation, Inc.
$1,400 for the bunk house upgrade.
- PAWS of Muskingum County
$1,400 for the Spay / Neuter Assistance Program.
- Philo Junior High
$3,750 for the PJH Pantry: Assisting Those in Need.
- Road to Recovery
$1,600 for the Road to Recovery Ministry / Jail Ministry.
- Shrivers Hospice Foundation
$1,000 for the Some Day is Today program.
- Tri-Valley Youth Baseball, Inc.
$2,100 for Youth Baseball Facility improvement.
- Trulight Ministries
$2,800 for the Respite Day Center for the Homeless.
- Village of Dresden
$1,660 for the Dresden Swim Center paint and seal project.
- Vincentian Ohio Action Network
$1,000 for Workforce Development for Affordable Housing.
- West Muskingum Local School District
$2,100 for Daily Announcements / Digital Journalism.
- Zane-Musk Co Convention Center & Visitors Bureau
$5,000 for the A Storybook Christmas Santa House.
- Zanesville Appalachian Arts Program
$359 for a tent and insurance for outdoor events.
- Zanesville Civic League, Inc.
$1,150 for building and playground improvement for daycare.
- Zanesville Community Theatre, Inc.
$3,750 for Setting the Stage for Growth.
2020 Grant Winners
- Allwell Behavioral Health
$1,500 for their 20th annual Recovery Summit for the Appalachian Ohio region.
- Artist Colony of Zanesville
$4,500 to support the ArtCOZ First Friday Art Walk website and online marketing.
- Bethel Mission
$5,000 to continue the expansion of Bethel programming in the Putnam community.
- Breaking Free Therapeutic Riding Center
$2,600 to provide horse-based therapy to at-risk youth with an emphasis on children in foster care or adoptive situations.
- Chandlersville Community Building
$4,000 to repair the steps and handrails of the main entrance to improve safety.
- Children’s Hunger Alliance
$2,500 to provide select schools in Muskingum County with take-home meals for school-aged children prior to extended school breaks.
- Duncan Falls Elementary
$4,049 to purchase world music drumming instruments designed to teach cultural diversity.
- Eastside Community Ministry
$5,000 to continue supporting the youth program.
- FoodWorks Alliance
$4,085 to partner with the Zanesville Farmers Market to conduct market research concerning a facility for local foods collaboration.
- Friends of Putnam
$5,000 to revitalize the historical Putnam area.
- Friends of Secrest
$2,500 to offer entertainment events to various audiences.
- Habitat for Humanity of Southeastern Ohio
$3,500 to provide critical home repairs and exterior painting to low-income families in need while giving students in Muskingum County educational opportunities.
- Mentors Matter
$5,000 to facilitate relationships with adult community volunteers and at-risk juveniles.
- Muskingum Behavioral Health
$2,500 for their Naomi Women Wellness project that teaches and reinforces women to be proud of their bodies.
- Muskingum Valley Educational Service Center
$5,000 to deliver a series of literature-based lessons that incorporate learning skills through web-based videoconferencing.
- New Concord Area Arts and Recreation District
$5,000 to provide after-school activities and enrichment programs to local youth.
- PAWS of Muskingum County
$5,000 to provide spay and neuter assistance for animals of certain residents of Muskingum County.
- Restoration Park
$2,500 to offset costs of hosting a free movie in the park during the summer months.
- Trulight Ministries
$5,000 to operate an emergency winter shelter program for the homeless in the area.
- Zanesville Appalachian Arts Project
$350 to cover the costs of 12”x12” canvases for the ZAAP Foot by Foot event.
- Zane Trace Players
$5,000 to update the sound and video relaying systems in their building.
2019 Grant Winners
- Bethel Mission
$3,500 to support their Summer Youth Program
- Carr Center
$4,000 to help purchase a vehicle for non-emergency medical transportation
- Eastside Community Ministry
$4,000 for Youth Programs
- FoodWorks Alliance, Inc.
$3,500 for program to allow online orders
- Franklin Local Youth Baseball
$3,500 for lighting at Bergin Park
- Habitat for Humanity
$4,500 to help build a home for a family in need and provide Mid-East students an opportunity to grow their skills on a real construction project
- Muskingum University High School Summer Music Theatre Camp
$2,000 for immersive training program for students to improve their musical theatre performance skills
- Muskingum County Farm Bureau
$800 for 2019 Farm City Day
- Muskingum County History
$4,150 to implement public programming about local UGRR and abolitionist activities
- Muskingum County Library System
$4,000 to host the 2019 “commUNITYread” event
- Muskingum Soil & Water Conservation District
$1,700 to educate youth on the importance of insects in the environment
- Ohio Grange Charitable Foundation, Inc.
$2,500 for cabin improvements
- PAWS of Muskingum County
$4,000 for spay/neuter assistance for seniors, low income households and disabled residents with companion, therapy, or emotional support animals
- Roseville Elementary
$750 to promote theatre arts
- Summer Art Program at Zane Gray Middle School
$3,500 for art camp to study Tile Making, Printing, Book Arts, Folk Art, Fiber Arts, and Central American Musical instruments
- Village of Roseville
$2,500 to assist with downtown revitalization project and add 25 new jobs
- Y Bridge Arts Festival
$1,000 to promote student artwork at the Y Bridge Arts Festival
- Zanesville Concert Association
$2,500 for free admission to youth and college students
- Zanesville Police Athletic League
$3,600 to promote family-based events and promote safe and healthy family activities
2018 Grant Winners
- Adamsville Elementary PTO
Edible Education: Health Fair
- Breaking Free Therapeutic Riding Center
Therapeutic Riding Scholarships
- College Drive Presbyterian Church
Cooking Matters
- Habitat for Humanity of Southeast Ohio
Mid-East Career Center Partnership Project
- Muskingum County Library System
Emerging Technology: Increasing Connectivity
- Ohio Farm Bureau Foundation – Muskingum County Impact Funds
24th Annual Farm City Day
- Scholarship Central
AmeriCorps Ohio College Guides
- Muskingum University
Summer High School Music Theatre CAMP
- Trulight Ministries
Free Transportation Service for Low/No Income
- Village of Roseville
New Splash Pad
- Zanesville-Muskingum County Convention and Visitors Bureau
Muskingum County Recreational Trails Consortium
2017 Grant Winners
- The Animal Shelter Society, Inc.
To provide free pet adoptions as part of the “Soldier and Senior” program
- Appalachian Hills of Ohio Territory (AHOOT)
To help purchase and install a kiln at Pioneer School Zanesville Clay Center (PSZ)
- Eastside Community Ministry
To help with operation and programming costs for the summer youth program
- Habitat for Humanity
To provide materials for construction of a house (involving help of local students)
- The Learning for Life Program of the Fellowship of Christ’s Community
To pay transportation costs for educational field trips for mentally challenged adults
- Muskingum County Juvenile Court
To provide incentives for participants in Jr. Hope Court and Family Dependency Court
- Muskingum County Literacy Council
To purchase books for preschoolers
- Muskingum Valley Park Society
To purchase materials for Park Passport program
- On the Same Page Muskingum
To provide books and other educational materials related to drug abuse prevention
- The Renner Theater
To improve the building front of future Renner Appalachian Cultural Arts Center (beside the Theater building)
- Tri-Valley Middle School
To purchase financial literacy curriculum
- YoungLives
To pay for weekend getaway camp for teen moms and mentors
- Zane State Foundation (IDEA Lab)
To purchase portable equipment for IDEA Lab classes and workshops
- Zanesville Concert Association
To cover the cost of student memberships and provide materials for educational outreach
2016 Grant Winners
- Zanesville-Muskingum County Convention & Visitors Bureau
“A Storybook Christmas” holiday beautification project
- Artist Colony of Zanesville (COZ)
Materials and programming for children’s area at the 2016 Y-Bridge Arts Festival
- Zanesville Community Theater
Renovation of Women’s Restroom Facilities
- Zanesville-Muskingum County Convention & Visitors Bureau
Lighting at Zane’s Landing Park
- Appalachian Hills of Ohio Territory (AHOOT)
Half of the Prize Money for 2016 “All Ohio Contemporary Ceramics Competition”
- Eastside Community Ministry
Operation and Programming Costs for the Youth Program
- Franklin Local Youth Baseball, Inc.
To Complete the Construction of Four New Baseball Fields at Bergin Park in Duncan Falls
- Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland Council, Inc.
Funding for imagineCON program
- National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Six County
Funding for “Quinn Family Bash” and “Recovery is Beautiful” Walk
- Police Athletic League of Zanesville-Muskingum County
Purchase Equipment for “Life Fitness” program
- Zanesville Concert Association
Provide Free Concert Admission to Youth and College Students
- Zanesville Memorial Concert Band
Purchase New Music and Aid in Administrative Costs
2015 Grant Winners
The Muskingum County Community Foundation’s Distribution
Committee reviewed grant requests and voted to provide funding,
totaling nearly $30,000, to the following fifteen organizations and projects in
the spring of 2015:
- Zanesville-Muskingum County Convention & Visitors Bureau
- Artist Colony of Zanesville (COZ)
- Zane Trace Players
- Village of Roseville
- Adamsville Elementary School
- The PowerHouse of Southeastern Ohio, Inc.
- Zanesville Community Gardens
- Zanesville Museum of Art
- Nelson T. Gant Foundation
- Y-City Barbershop Chorus
- Bethel Mission (DBA Bethel Community Center)
- Muskingum University High School
- Summer Music Theatre CAMP
- Avondale Youth Center and Boy Scouts of America
- Tri-Valley Youth Soccer Association
2014 Grant Winners
The Muskingum County Community Foundation’s Distribution
Committee reviewed grant requests and voted to provide funding,
totaling $30,000, to the following eight organizations and projects in
the spring of 2014:
- Zanesville-Muskingum County Convention & Visitors Bureau and Muskingum County Commissioners
$10,000 to help purchase permanent LED lighting on the County Courthouse and buoys on Muskingum River riverbanks
- Artist Colony of Zanesville (COZ)
$5,000 to underwrite the cost of entertainment for the 2014 Y-Bridge Arts Festival
- Zanesville Ohio Ceramic Arts (ZOCA)
$2,500 for the Zanesville Prize Exhibition and Conference
- Zanesville Appalachian Arts Project (ZAAP)
$2,500 for memberships for high school art teachers and artists
- John & Annie Glenn Museum Foundation
$2,500 to establish an endowment fund at MCCF
- Muskingum County Literacy Council
$4,000 to distribute books to low income families at Muskingum Valley Health Center
- Community of Voices/ MBRN
$1,500 for three-on-three basketball tournaments
- C.A.S.S.-M.I.N.D.
$2,000 to provide mentors for at-risk youth
2013 Grant Winners
The Muskingum County Community Foundation announces the results of its county-wide spring grant competition, awarding $30,000 to area organizations and projects.
Nonprofit organizations with a vision for the future of our community and a commitment to improving our quality of life were encouraged to apply for a grant from the Foundation's general fund. Applicants must be organizations that serve Muskingum County. The Foundation's areas of focus for this grant cycle were Art, Recreation, Education.
The Community Foundation's Distribution Committee reviewed 37 applications and voted to provide funding to the following 13 organizations and projects:
- Breaking Free Therapeutic Riding Camp
- C.A.S.S.-M.I.N.D.
- The Carr Center
- Eastside Community Ministry
- Larry Miller Intermediate School
- Lifewell
- Muskingum County Literacy Council
- Muskingum University High School Summer Music Theatre CAMP
- Muskingum Valley Old-Timers Baseball Association
- Putnam Art and Education Center for Families
- Scholarship Central / Ohio College Guide Program
- Zanesville Museum of Art
- Zanesville Ohio Ceramic Arts (ZOCA)
Applications for the next grant competition will become available after the Foundation's annual Groundhog Day Celebration. The earnings from the Groundhog event are used to fund the grant competition. MCCF will make a public announcement when the grant application and guidelines become available.
Previous Fall Grant Winners
The Muskingum County Community Foundation’s Distribution Committee reviewed grant requests and the Board of Trustees voted to award capital improvement grants to seven local organizations through the 2023 MCCF Fall Grant Competition:
2023 Grant Winners
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Zanesville
- Breaking Free Therapeutic Riding Center
- Eastside Community Ministry
- FoodWorks Alliance
- GoodCity Creatives
- Muskingum County Library System
- PAWS of Muskingum County
2022 Grant Winners
- Maysville Elementary School for two outdoor education “Reading Nooks”
- Trulight Ministries for two HVAC units
- Y City Baseball League to replace roof and flashing on dugouts
- Muskingum/Guernsey Mobility Management with SEAT for materials for wheelchair ramps
- Muskingum Valley Park District for NaturePlay Elements at Westview Community Park
2021 Grant Winners
- Abbot Senior Living for the installation of 3 handicapped door openers.
- Breaking Free Therapeutic Riding Center for the building of a porch roof and concrete approach area for easier access to the riding arena.
- FoodWorks Alliance for the purchase of a 60-gallon steam kettle.
- Nelson T. Gant Foundation for building repairs to the Nelson T. Gant House.
- Zanesville Civic League for the construction of a fence for their playground.