James J. McConnell and Jean McConnell Scholarship

This scholarship grant will be awarded each year to a graduating senior at one of the following schools on a rotating basis: Ridgewood, River View, Tri-Valley and Coshocton High Schools.
In order to qualify, applicants must meet the following criteria and submit:
(1) Completed, approved application form (the standard Coshocton Foundation Scholarship Application)
(2) Copy of letter of acceptance from an accredited degree or certificate granting institution
(3) Copy of high school transcript of grades or equivalent record of academic performance
(4) Wallet-size photo of applicant (senior picture excellent)
(5) Separate paragraph (attached to application) describing applicant’s financial need

Contact Information

P.O. Box 55 ~ 220 S. Fourth St.
Coshocton, OH  43812

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Additional Information
Scholarship Cycle All
Grade Level Current High School Senior
Qualifying School District(s) Ridgewood Local School District | River View Local School District | Tri-Valley Local School District | Coshocton City Schools
Held Externally
Administered Externally