Howard and Norma Lavy Veterans Memorial Scholarship

Lieutenant Colonel Howard B. Lavy is a retired U.S. Army Officer with over forty-five- years of U.S. Army, DoD Civilian and defense contractor service. Colonel Lavy was born in Zanesville, Ohio, and attended Zanesville public schools (Wilson Elementary, Grover Cleveland Junior High and Zanesville High School). He enlisted in the U.S. Army in June 1962 following graduation from ZHS and served in the 3rd Infantry Honor Guard at Fort Meyer, Virginia, where he participated in a wide variety of U.S. Army ceremonies in Washington DC and military funeral activities at Arlington National Cemetery. He was a member of the Rifle Firing Party rendering the final three volleys for the funeral and interment ceremony for President John F. Kennedy and later for the interment of General of the Army Douglas MacArthur in the MacArthur Library in Norfolk, Virginia.

Colonel Lavy served in Vietnam in 1966 as a Sergeant with the 27th Infantry (Wolfhounds), 25th Infantry Division, and experienced significant combat action during his Vietnam service and received the Combat Infantryman Badge; Bronze Star Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster and ā€œVā€ device; Purple Heart Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster; Vietnam Cross of Gallantry; and other unit and personal decorations. He also received the permanent award of the Presidential Unit Citation as a member of A Company, 1st Battalion, 27th Infantry for extraordinary heroism against a superior enemy force on 19 July, 1966.

After service in Vietnam and Germany, he was discharged as a Staff Sergeant in August 1968 and enrolled at The Ohio State University under the G.I. Bill. Upon graduation in December 1971 and completion of the Army ROTC Program, he was designated a Distinguished Military Graduate, commissioned a Second Lieutenant and awarded a Bachelor of Science Degree. As an Army Officer, he completed advanced military training and education and went on to serve in a variety of senior military and DoD civilian intelligence, command, and staff positions. He also completed a Michigan State University M.A. program, and a Post-Graduate-Level Special Seminar in the Social Sciences at the University of Chicago.

Colonel Lavy retired from the Army in 1996 and was appointed to a Senior Civilian Intelligence Supervisory Officer position with DIA and assumed duties again at the U. S. Pacific Command, Camp Smith, Hawaii. As a DoD Civilian, he deployed to Bosnia in 2001 for duty as the Senior Intelligence Officer, DIA Operating Base, Bosnia. He retired from DIA Civil Service in November 2003 and assumed a defense contractor position performing counterintelligence and HUMINT planning functions for the Pacific Command until his retirement in November 2013.

Lieutenant Colonel Lavy and his wife, Norma, live in Pearl City, Hawaii. He is active in public service and military events through participation as a Bag Piper in the Celtic Pipes and Drums of Hawaii. He is also a Life member of the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) and Military Officers of America Association (MOAA). He is an honorary member of the 42nd Highlanders Royal Scottish Regiment and a member of the Scottish American Military Society. He was inducted into the Muskingum County Veterans Hall of Fame on 11 November, 2011.

This scholarship is open to all graduating Muskingum County seniors or former graduates with qualified military service who meet the requirements noted below. Applicants from disadvantaged backgrounds and qualified Veterans should receive preference. The fund recognizes the need to honor all Veterans who answered the call to duty and for their service, sacrifices and contributions to America and their communities. Freedom is not free and there are good men and women willing to endure the hardships and demands of military service, even at the risk of their own lives and fortunes.

Applicant must be a graduating senior from a Muskingum Co. High School (or previously graduated senior if a military veteran) with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 (where 4.0 is the highest possible) or higher. Applicant must have been active in a community service group or organization during their high school years and planning to attend any two or four-year accredited institution. Upon acceptance, the scholarship may be used toward any major field of study. Applicants may use the scholarship to attend accredited technical or vocational institutions meeting the academic requirements (or similar grading system) noted above. ZHS graduates from disadvantaged backgrounds, qualified veterans, and those entering into the college-level Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) programs should receive preference.

Howard and Norma Lavy Veterans Memorial Scholarship - 2021 - Courtney Hiltbrunn

2021 - Courtney Hiltbrunn

Courtney is attending Kent State University majoring in Nursing

Howard and Norma Lavy Veterans Memorial Scholarship - 2020 - Jonus Pennington

2020 - Jonus Pennington

Jonus is a 2020 graduate of Zanesville High School and will be attending The Ohio State University majoring in Biology.

Howard and Norma Lavy Veterans Memorial Scholarship - 2019 - Valerie Hickman

2019 - Valerie Hickman

Valerie Hickman is a 2019 graduate of Zanesville High School. She plans to attend Ohio University Zanesville. Pictured with MCCF's Randy Cochrane and McHenry Shull winner, Kyra Young.

Howard and Norma Lavy Veterans Memorial Scholarship - 2018 - Jeya Wilson

2018 - Jeya Wilson

Howard and Norma Lavy Veterans Memorial Scholarship - 2017 - Lauren Wisenbarger

2017 - Lauren Wisenbarger

Zanesville High School senior, Lauren Wisenbarger, received the Howard and Norma Lavy Veterans Memorial Scholarship. Pictured with Zanesville High School Ohio College Guide, Andie Polen.